Selladrt Admin
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Bullet holes
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WTF Emoticon
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So What
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Talk to the hand
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Peace Sign
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Releasing Butterflies
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Bob Marley
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Captain Sparrow (Johnny Depp)
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Gotye & Kimbra Emoticon
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Che Guevara
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Dr. House
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Jim Morrison
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Pulp Fiction
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Flowery Heart
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Have a lovely day
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maksud cara membuatnya seperti biasa itu gimana saya kok belum dong
BalasHapusoh'y sob yng belom tau apanya sob hehe
Hapuswah ada captain sparrow juga ya mas
BalasHapushehehe captain subasah xixixi.
HapusWah keren keren euy mauuu..hhe
BalasHapussilakan bos
Hapusasli keren-keren nih simbolnya mas, ngopi dulu
BalasHapusiyamas asli symbols hehehe.
Hapuskalo yg buat dipasang di comment ada gak ??
BalasHapusitukan buat coment tpi d fb hehe.
Hapussaya suka symbol gambar v.ijin copy mas bos
BalasHapussilakan bos d ambil smuah hehehe.
Hapusmantap2 bner deh simbol2 nya
BalasHapustrmksh kang
HapusSuka nh jeng tp kok g ada yg smbol kopi
BalasHapusiya,ni adanya bibir @Nia wkwkwkwk.
Hapuswah ajib-ajib simbolnya...keren lagi ada entenya sob...heee..ngopi-ngopi..
BalasHapustrmksh sob lma bru klhatan lgi sbuk'y sob skurlah klu lgi bnyak aktifitas bos.
Hapusmet pagi mas, keren keren simbolnya saya ambil satu ya?
BalasHapusmet sore mas trmksh bnyk mas bro
HapusHaloo..bos apa kabar?
BalasHapuskbr baik bos.
Hapuslanjutan-nya kemaren ya
BalasHapuswah.. ada fotonya mas bro.... lagi ngapain tuh..
iya bos mash lanjuatan dan mash bersambung hehe. Lgi cari kndok mas wkwkwk
Hapuswah lengkap amir gan
BalasHapusiya sob hehehe
Hapuslucu2 mas , bikin nya teh itu gmna mas ?
BalasHapuspke kopi mas buat nxa hehe
HapusUdah saya coba mas,Berhasil ternyata.matur nuwon
BalasHapustrmksh mas bro